I read this paper (the outline below) years ago while studying for my degree in instructional design. I had no experience in ID then, so all to this was a theory to me. I did have project management experience.
As part of the MSc in Applied Learning, I had to write a research paper aimed for one of the exiting journals. I have decided to go with the Journal of Workplace Learning. My research project was strictly situated in the work environment (the potential of using the eLearning in the…
Paper Evaluates the attitudes towards simulation-based learning in work context (in sales – finish bookstore)
I was interested in this as I was thinking about applying scenarios to my instructional model. Simulations are one of the options and I was hoping to learn how simulation could be
This is a qualitative case study research (exploratory) focusing on age-related issues in use of technology in learning in the traditional industry as tail services in Australia.
There are five organisations that researchers focus on in the attempt to
I am considering adding an e-learning element to current induction training which is based on one-to-one and mentor-lead model. I was hoping to find out how HRM model was applied in an institution and some theory around that.
A few interesting concepts were a foundation on which HRM model was built:
Let’s look at some popular strategies for motivating online learners. In this article, I will look at the temporal strategies, 5-Stage Gilly Salmon’s Model, Wolodkowski’s time continuum model and Keller’s ARCS model for motivating learners.
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Learn how to develop a staff orientation so new staff members can understand and adjust to the organization and their jobs, and quickly become effective.
I was exploring factors influencing the adoption of technology in small and medium enterprises. I wanted to find out what these factors are – why companies decide to use or reject or postpone using the technology to enhance training. This article summarises an interesting finding in that area. Authors noticed…
I recently worked on moving employees onboarding and orientation programme online. An important element of the onboarding remains in the area of informal learning. This article explores what motivates people to learn and I planned to adopt some findings in my artefact design.
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