As part of the MSc in Applied Learning, I had to write a research paper aimed for one of the exiting journals. I have decided to go with the Journal of Workplace Learning. My research project was strictly situated in the work environment (the potential of using the eLearning in the administrative staff training). This are was much closer to the journal topicality:
The productivity challenges which affect employees at an individual level- where personal and business issues meet-constitute a particularly ambiguous area in the world of work. This journal aims to show how both the organization and the employee stand to benefit from a considered approach to workplace learning and individual development (Source)
Also, the coverage (Employee counselling, Formal and informal learning interventions, Knowledge management, Learning skills, Learning styles, Training effectiveness) and the target audience of that journal (General managers, Industrial psychologists, Management academics, Personnel managers, Training and development consultants) seem to be more closer fit to the research that I am working on.
The only thing that is not ideal is the Harvard reference style (we were using the APA so far through all the writing for MSc in Applied Learning so I am familiar with it, and If I could I would choose not to use a different one when producing this final piece of writing).
Below is the reseaerch paper abstract.Abstract
This research explores the potential use of e-learning during the job induction and knowledge sharing processes for administrators of one of the Faculty Offices at Dublin City University and was triggered by a gap observed in that area.
The study revealed a positive attitude towards the use of technology in training. The importance of the social aspect of learning, knowledge construction and finding a balance between flexibility and structure were among the main beliefs. It was established, that regardless of the training format, a human interaction was considered necessary for networking, communication and contextualisation of training, therefore needs to be preserved. A job induction training was perceived as a continuous process that should be planned and structured to gradually transform into a continuous development.
The outcomes are specific to one particular unit within the university but further research across other units and organisations could provide more comprehensive information about administrators perception of the e-training and help to generalise results. Data from the questionnaires informed the development of the e-Learning website for staff.
Staff Training, Employee training, Workplace Learning, Online Workplace Learning, E-Learning, E learning, Technolgy enhanced learning, Online training, Online learning, Staff training and development, Training for employees, Case Study.
Article Classification
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