Discover the power of storytelling in teaching and eLearning! Learn how weaving narratives into your lessons can captivate learners, enhance retention, and make complex concepts relatable. From scenario-based learning to character-driven narratives, storytelling is your tool to create engaging and memorable experiences.
An instructional strategy is more than a teaching method—it's a blueprint for designing engaging and effective learning experiences. Like a well-drawn plan for building a house, an instructional strategy guides every aspect of the learning journey, from choosing the right tools to assessing outcomes. Whether you're developing a complex course or a quick training module, understanding the nuances of instruction can help.
Everyone learns differently, with various motivations, environments and deliveries providing people with alternative methods of receiving and retaining information. Teachers use different approaches to learning to target different types of learners, making their lessons engaging and stimulating. Learn how learning happens and how to use domains to improve your design.
While, in most cases, it is impossible to design courses that would cater to individual student preferences, as designers, we should recognise the variety of learning styles and include elements to address their range. In this blog post, I will explore ways of catering to different learning styles to create more inclusive learning environments that resonate with all students.

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