Bloom's Taxonomy is a framework created by Benjamin Bloom, an educational psychologist, to guide educators in structuring their teaching and creating meaningful learning experiences for students. Here we look at the basics and why it is important for educators to familiarise themselves with this taxonomy.
Understanding learning design principles is crucial for creating engaging online courses. Adopt a learner-centered approach, set clear objectives, employ engaging strategies. Embrace the evolving nature of learning design, stay curious, and adapt to meet learners' changing needs.
Knowing the Basics of Learning Design is crucial for creating effective educational experiences. It involves designing materials, activities, and assessments for optimal learning outcomes. In this blog post I share learning design fundamentals for beginners.
There are various tactics to consider, but one element you can not afford to leave out is addressing learners’ motivation. Motivated students learn more effectively and are more actively involved in the learning experience. Today, I want to look at Gilly Salmon’s 5 Stage Model and how you can use it.
When this course is specifically targeted at adult learners, it must take into account their characteristics. To a certain degree, it will also need to overcome some of the barriers that adult learners might face in their learning journey. In this article, I will talk about motivation strategies you can incorporate in your course using the ARCS Model.

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