Paper Evaluates the attitudes towards simulation-based learning in work context (in sales – finish bookstore) I was interested in this as I was thinking about applying scenarios to my instructional model. Simulations are one of the options and I was hoping to learn how simulation could be
I am considering adding an e-learning element to current induction training which is based on one-to-one and mentor-lead model. I was hoping to find out how HRM model was applied in an institution and some theory around that. A few interesting concepts were a foundation on which HRM model was built:
I was exploring factors influencing the adoption of technology in small and medium enterprises. I wanted to find out what these factors are – why companies decide to use or reject or postpone using the technology to enhance training. This article summarises an interesting finding in that area. Authors noticed…
I recently worked on moving employees onboarding and orientation programme online. An important element of the onboarding remains in the area of informal learning. This article explores what motivates people to learn and I planned to adopt some findings in my artefact design.
Orienting employees into new positions is hugely important. This post summarises an article – authors are viewing the orientation training programmes as the most prevalent formal training developed across us, yes, often not effective. They look at the most common pitfalls, basic principles and best practice in the area of new employees orientation.
Education is no longer a process situated in formal settings of educational institutions. Rapidly developing, highly specialised knowledge requires from us to become lifelong learners. Adult learners have unique characteristics. Adults learn best in informal, comfortable, flexible, non-threatening settings.
Using online technology to facilitate staff training was one of the first articles on my literature list for the MSc in applied Learning Research Project. I was hoping that this short article would be a good starting point giving an overview of adopting technology in the area of staff training.…

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