Five Moments of Need takes into account both formal and informal learning situations. It revolves around five possible real-life situations when a person might require information to accomplish the work task.
The flip book outlines each of the six learning types. The cards also have prompts and examples of online activities. They can be very helpful when creating courses and can be used by anyone – even those with no prior learning design experience. I have…
13 online proofing tools for designers. They will make your creative and visual development and review process faster and more streamlined.
My online course planning workshop (course design sprint) is a learner-centred, collaborative, pedagogy-first approach drawing from several recognised and successful instructional, curriculum planning and product development models.
Learn how to write clickable course titles. Be informative to give your learners a taster of what to expect and captivate them by appealing to their motivation!
Creating a detailed project schedule will help you streamline your course creation, create milestones, deliverables and prioritise tasks for all training stakeholders.
I use various online course planning and project management & design tools. One of the free tools I use to visualise course creation workflow is Trello. The template replicates the format of the training design sprints I run for my…
Collaboration is one of the most basic and important types of engagement that you can offer to your learners online. It is a learning experience that has a cultural, intellectual, social and practical impact.
I read this paper (the outline below) years ago while studying for my degree in instructional design. I had no experience in ID then, so all to this was a theory to me. I did have project management experience.
As part of the MSc in Applied Learning, I had to write a research paper aimed for one of the exiting journals. I have decided to go with the Journal of Workplace Learning. My research project was strictly situated in the work environment (the potential of using the eLearning in the…
Hi, I am Gerta.
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