Screen recording tools are a brilliant way of sharing your knowledge with your team, your clients, partners and learners. In this video, I am sharing with you a few screen recording tools that are used, and links to all of them are below. It is much easier to explain concepts with a visual illustration of what you are talking about. I often record instructional videos could like quick explainers – talking my team through their tasks, project details and so on.
The most important thing that will pay off and save you loads of time is to get the recording of the best quality possible during the production process. But if you need audio editing software, in this article, I list the best free audio editing software for PC, Mac, and Linux and web.
Why bother with external microphones if your computer comes with a microphone, and your mobile records a decent quality? Because the audio quality is really important and recording to built in mics might not be the best one to use. Audio quality is the most important element of any multimedia content – also in learning context.

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